Sunday, June 19, 2016

God is Our Father

My dad at my first in-store book signing.
When I was growing up, my father was fond of nicknames, so he assigned one to each of us. Because I was tall, my first was "Giant." While some tall girls tried to shrink themselves, embarrassed because they towered over all the boys, I was proud. I pushed back my shoulders and owned my height. Being called Giant made me believe I stood above the fray. It empowered me to believe I was like the giants in the fairy tales I'd read...bigger than life, large-and-in-charge, potentially vulnerable, but invincible as long as I watched my back. Look at the power of a word, the power in a nickname assigned to me by my dad. 

Though today my confidence is in Jesus (Proverbs 3:26, Romans 8:28, Proverbs 3:5, Psalm 118:8, Philippians 1:6, Joshua 1:9), I still believe my childhood hype. I can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13). I am the head and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13). I don't believe evil reports...Surely, I can take the land that was promised to me. (Numbers 13:31-33). The scripture tells us, life and death is in the power of the tongue. (Proverbs 18:20) What do you call your children? What do you call yourself? What do you believe about who you are in Christ? Are you praying for husband's or ex's fatherhood? Praying for how God can use you to fill in the gaps?

Today is a day of sadness and disappointment for many, including my oldest child, whose father has never been around to say, "Good job, son", "Nice catch", "I love you", or even "Happy Birthday." I've watched the pain from that broken relationship tear at his heart, soul, and self-esteem at times. If this is your story, or you have one that's worse, a father who was present, but abusive or cruel, I encourage you, to take the scriptures I've shared above and plant them in your heart. Whatever you sow, will grow. Let not your heart be troubled (John 14:1). One of the greatest hindrances to walking in peace is broken-heartedness and disappointment in other people. The enemy would love it if your self-worth and self-esteem were crushed because of the failings of your natural father. I encourage you to not let the enemy have this territory in the landscape of your life. Besides, God has given you a nickname. He calls you His beloved. (1 John 3:1-3). 

As a final note, I'll add, while my father has always been there for me, the most important contribution he made to my life was to point me to my Father in heaven. I encourage you to not choose to live life as an orphan when you have access to a personal relationship with a perfect Father. Walk in God's gracious gift of His fatherhood. He said in Psalm 68:5, that He would be a father to the fatherless and in John 14:8, that we were not orphans. The only way to fill the gaping hole from fatherlessness is through relationship with our Living God. When you put Jesus in charge, you will be fatherless no more. 

I  honor my earthly father today. I've had 50 years of being a giant in his eyes and HE is certainly one in mine. I wish you peace on this Father's Day.

My prayer journal, Beloved  Daughter, was created with you in mind. Our Father in Heaven loves us more than know. We are made in His image and He wants us to esteem us.
Amazon Link

Beloved Daughter is a is a 60-day workbook and prayer journal designed to help you draw closer to God. Inspire your faith through topics like courage, honesty, faithfulness, thoughtfulness, gratitude, kindness, and many more. You’ll be drawn to record what’s in your heart and mind through carefully chosen scriptures, daily journaling, and prayer. Affirm your identity, claim the promises of God, and work through forgiveness in targeted steps over a 3 day period for each of the 20 character attributes introduced. This book was compiled to encourage women of God to live their lives to the fullest through intentional faith development. 

If you desire a closer walk with the Lord, Beloved Daughter is the book for you!


1 comment:

  1. Great article for persons to celebrate Fathers and to encourage those who have experienced "fatherless-ness" for whatever reason. I love that God has given each of us a "nickname".
